fiber artist

karen borga



As a Fiber Artist, Karen spends her days creating clothing and decor from wool. Often she starts the project by purchasing the fleece directly from the shepherd’s farm or at Fiber Festivals. As a dedicated Fiber Artist, Karen passionately creates unique clothing and decor, weaving her creative magic one thread at a time.

Immerse yourself in the transformative journey of wool as it evolves into bespoke apparel through Karen’s artistic touch. Explore the process of wool crafting, from selecting fleece to the final creation, and witness the beauty of Fiber Art come to life.

Karen believes that being creative opens you to “Divine Inspiration.”

In a world full of distractions, prioritize time for art in your life. Whether you’re drawn to painting, writing, or any other creative pursuit, dedicate moments to your craft. Remember, creativity is a gateway to balance and joy. Don’t let life’s distractions hold you back—make time for art today and elevate your life to new levels of fulfillment.

Join Karen Borga in celebrating the beauty of Fiber Art, the joy of creative expression, and the spiritual connection found in every thread. Be inspired, and embark on your own creative journey.

Follow Me on Instagram to see my Latest Creations!

Karen Borga - Artist


  • With all the raw fleece and handspun yarn in my house, you might not think I wouldn't buy acrylic yarn for a project ... but alas, baby blanket needs to be very washable!
  • Starting a Woven Project for the New Jersey Handweavers Guild swatch exchange. I am representing Ocean County. Plan on using handspun, hand dyed wool that has no project assigned yet. Measuring the WPI (wraps per inch) to determine how many warp threads and the size reed I need for the 6" squares. 

The theme is "WATER". Been spinning (pardon the pun) ideas around in my head.  Think I have a good one! Now to plan it out in iWeaveit software.
  • LOL ... you know I loved this one!
  • Making progress ... I love all the colors that show when it is plied. Soft and squishy. Hand dyed Corriedale and natural colored alpaca.
  • Getting a bit dusty in there ... Hope your summer is filled with fun!
With all the raw fleece and handspun yarn in my house, you might not think I wouldn't buy acrylic yarn for a project ... but alas, baby blanket needs to be very washable!
With all the raw fleece and handspun yarn in my house, you might not think I wouldn't buy acrylic yarn for a project ... but alas, baby blanket needs to be very washable!
3 days ago
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Starting a Woven Project for the New Jersey Handweavers Guild swatch exchange. I am representing Ocean County. Plan on using handspun, hand dyed wool that has no project assigned yet. Measuring the WPI (wraps per inch) to determine how many warp threads and the size reed I need for the 6" squares. 

The theme is "WATER". Been spinning (pardon the pun) ideas around in my head.  Think I have a good one! Now to plan it out in iWeaveit software.
Starting a Woven Project for the New Jersey Handweavers Guild swatch exchange. I am representing Ocean County. Plan on using handspun, hand dyed wool that has no project assigned yet. Measuring the WPI (wraps per inch) to determine how many warp threads and the size reed I need for the 6" squares. The theme is "WATER". Been spinning (pardon the pun) ideas around in my head. Think I have a good one! Now to plan it out in iWeaveit software.
2 weeks ago
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LOL ... you know I loved this one!
LOL ... you know I loved this one!
2 weeks ago
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Making progress ... I love all the colors that show when it is plied. Soft and squishy. Hand dyed Corriedale and natural colored alpaca.
Making progress ... I love all the colors that show when it is plied. Soft and squishy. Hand dyed Corriedale and natural colored alpaca.
3 weeks ago
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Getting a bit dusty in there ... Hope your summer is filled with fun!
Getting a bit dusty in there ... Hope your summer is filled with fun!
3 weeks ago
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