Excellent Felt Texture Tutorials

February 08, 2024

A Collection of Wet Felting Texture Tutorials

After spending hours researching, I have found this is the best way for me to keep track of the videos I found most useful. This next video explains many techniques for texture. Definitely keeping this one!

Silk Hankies and sewing on seed beads.

This video shows how to make flowers with silk hankies and sew on seed beads.

How to Add Shade and Borders

This shading technique is done in layers. Start with your base layer, add a color over it for the shading, and then top with a light layer of the base color.

Pam de Groot – Texture Goddess! Using Tons of Prefelts for a Collage Effect

Pam is known for her amazing textures. I love how she makes a collage using prefelts, silks and more.

Use Resists to Create Tree-like Texture

Resists are great for many effects. I do like what she has done to make the birch tree look.

Baby Wipes for Texture like Margelian Silk

What great texture. In the comments of this video, a woman used paper towels from Ikea for a similar effect. She also mentioned that it could be painted. I LOVE that idea.

Two Layers of Merino with a Poreous Effect

This artist laid one layer of Merino in the up-and-down direction. The second layer was the cloud technique to allow for spaces in the fabric. Makes a very light open piece. She did say that it was important to hand rub all areas of the piece – most likely to give it better structure.

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