I have been collecting old blue jeans, and am finally inspired to learn the details of weaving my first rug. I figure I will be using my floor loom so I can get a hard beat, so that is settled. I did originally consider using my rigid heddle but after listening to Tom Knisely’s video on LongThreadMedia’s site, my Nilus II is the right decision for my first attempt.
I have been studying Tom Knisley and his work on Rag Rugs.
Of course, 8/4 cotton – rug yarn.
Peter Collingswood recommended linen warp with linen fabric strips as weft for a heavily weighted rug.
Bockens 12/6 yarn – https://www.yarnbarn-ks.com/12_6-Cotton-Seine-Twine/productinfo/WY-SEINET-/
Mop Cotton – thick yarn
3 Ply Wool Yarn to use with wool rags.
Wash all the fabric first to get the sizing out.
Cut the strips 1.5″ wide. 3/4″ to 1″ for Blue Jeans because it’s thicker. Make a very long tapered at the ends.
8/4 cotton warp
6 0r 8 epi to show weft / 24 epi shows warp
1 yard of fabric = 1 square foot of rug
HUGE take up … 2″ per foot! 20% to 25% – 14″ warp for 12″ final length.
I saw on a Facebook group there is a tool to make the strips. Just in case I decide to go crazy.
Fraser cutter model 500
24″ X 36″ or 30″ x 48″ – 5 / 6 lbs of rags.
3/4 to one yard for one square foot.
Fabric remnants – fun idea is sock toppers
2 strands of 8/4 cotton.
Weave 6 shots and then make the next shot in the same shed (double it so there is a nice place to make the fold). Then 8 shots … then 10. Makes a great header to fold easily.
Use fray check instead of zigzag to secure the header edge until you roll it
Hand sew with 8/4 cotton warp one warp thread into the double weft.
If I were to tie the warp, take the waste weft out as I go along. Make half hitches using two warp threads (total of 4) then the next two. Two rows.
8/4 32 threads per inch for warp face.
PETER COLLINGWOOD – https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/books/cp_rug2_1.pdf
Rag Rug Loom
So the previous information was if I was going to weave on my floor loom. This video give great information about weaving on a RAG RUG LOOM. I bet Frank would make one for me. The kids might enjoy helping me make rugs.

Look how cute this is! Called Poofs – As a side table with a tray on top or as a stool. Woven leather in supple beige tones. They measure 18″x16″x16″. Originally $225 each. Now $100 each or $175 for the pair.
I wonder if this is filled with random blankets and such like Tierney’s Otoman?
A recommended vendor for warp – https://totalrug.com/
I asked about pricing in an FB group. Here are the responses:
- – In Iowa/Minnesota, we use: if at least 2 ft wide, $1/inch of length, if less then 2ft wide $0.80/per inch of length. If in consignment shop increase by commission percentage.
- – $.05 per sq inch
- – At least $0.25 a sq inch
- – A lot of it is going to depend on where I sell. If I sell back home in the summer my price range is between 75-110. If I sell where I live now 30-45. There is a basic formula of material x labor x fees (show, gas, other expenses) but I adjust according to state min wage. Online is a whole different world.
Possible Warp Yarn
Bockings Warp
Mop Cotton