How to Make a Wooly Lock Collar

How to Make a Wooly Lock Collar

My trip to the New York Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, New York was great. I went in quest for a white Wensleydale fleece to make a wooly lock collar for my dear friend Cindy for Christmas. She asked me to make it so it became a challenge. If you have never...
Feathers Made from Viscose

Feathers Made from Viscose

Premake Viscose Shapes for Felting Very grateful when I ask for a solution, and it appears so quickly. I was trying to make prefelt feathers for a scarf and was putting the viscose on pieces of commercial prefelt. I made some and set them aside to dry – came...
Unique Edging on Felted Pieces

Unique Edging on Felted Pieces

Ruffles and Fringe edges on this Scarf When surfing the web for unique techniques, I found this great tutorial. This artist used a silk shawl as a base with merino and viscose. What I found interesting was how she made the fringe. She laid out the fiber in stripes and...
Wet Felting a Coat

Wet Felting a Coat

Oh … this is exactly what I have been looking for. How to use a pattern, add the coefficient … oh boy! I am going to finally have the confidence to move forward with a...