Shibori Cotton Dress

Starting with a simple cotton dress I bought at Dharma Trading. I love them for my dye supplies including the blank materials. I used the triangle fold method on the top of the dress with blue dye, and just dipped the bottom of the skirt in solid red.

Inktense for Felting Detail

My pencils are arriving today. Super excited to give them a try. Apparently, I need textile medium too. Will be heading out to Michaels to pick some up!! I could use Aloe Vera gel … not sure where to get that. Here is a video of a woman using it. My reference...
Angel Wings – The Beginning

Angel Wings – The Beginning

My Goal is to create Angel Wing Paintings with lots of texture I used the white corriedale as a canvas … you think I would have learned that one already. I felts through to the front … I tried to pick it off … thumb joint hurts today … lol...
Wet Felted Gemstone Cabochon Necklace

Wet Felted Gemstone Cabochon Necklace

Wet Felted Jewelry – Gemstone Cabochon Necklace Gotta love it when you have been searching for something, you let it go and then it appears. This morning I woke with a video tutorial I was looking for a month ago. It was mysteriously opened on my monitor. I have...