Excellent Felt Texture Tutorials

Excellent Felt Texture Tutorials

A Collection of Wet Felting Texture Tutorials After spending hours researching, I have found this is the best way for me to keep track of the videos I found most useful. This next video explains many techniques for texture. Definitely keeping this one! Silk Hankies...
Wet Felting Seascapes

Wet Felting Seascapes

Seascapes in Wool I want to start making felted paintings, and thought I should watch the tutorials available. I did make one last night, and am pleased with the results – but as always, there is so much to learn from other people. My philosophy –...
How to Make a Wooly Lock Collar

How to Make a Wooly Lock Collar

My trip to the New York Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, New York was great. I went in quest for a white Wensleydale fleece to make a wooly lock collar for my dear friend Cindy for Christmas. She asked me to make it so it became a challenge. If you have never...
Feathers Made from Viscose

Feathers Made from Viscose

Premake Viscose Shapes for Felting Very grateful when I ask for a solution, and it appears so quickly. I was trying to make prefelt feathers for a scarf and was putting the viscose on pieces of commercial prefelt. I made some and set them aside to dry – came...