Unique Edging on Felted Pieces

Unique Edging on Felted Pieces

Ruffles and Fringe edges on this Scarf When surfing the web for unique techniques, I found this great tutorial. This artist used a silk shawl as a base with merino and viscose. What I found interesting was how she made the fringe. She laid out the fiber in stripes and...
Wet Felting a Coat

Wet Felting a Coat

Oh … this is exactly what I have been looking for. How to use a pattern, add the coefficient … oh boy! I am going to finally have the confidence to move forward with a...

Collection of Hat Felting Videos

I have been watching many videos of making felt hats and thought it would be useful to put them all in one location for me to review when I finally get started.  This one uses the book techique. Not sure I really need to go to this effort. What I did like about this...
Mosaic Tile Felting Technique

Mosaic Tile Felting Technique

Enjoyed working with this technique. The concept is to make a prefelt and then cut it into shapes. Lay it out and then cover with viscose. I used a cowl resist to make my projects.  I used a merino silk blend for the prefelt and it is amazingly soft. My first attempt,...

Edie – My New to Me Canadian Production Wheel

Super excited to bring home my new wheel – her name is Edie. The previous owner, Edith was a collector of wheels, this is just one of a dozen or so that she had owned.  Frank offered to clean her up for me, and now she sparkles. He took all the pieces apart and...